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I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

I get this question a lot from ClickUp newbies, and my answer would always be (hands down!) ClickUp Custom Fields.

If you’re looking to discover the ultimate game-changer within ClickUp, let me introduce you to this great powerhouse known as ClickUp Custom Fields and why it could potentially impact your team’s backend operations.

Let’s dive into the realm of Custom Fields and unveil why they’re my absolute favorite!

ClickUp Custom Fields: A Versatile Tool

The beauty of ClickUp Custom Fields lies in their versatility. They’re not just a one-size-fits-all solution – they’re your tailored solution. Need to categorize tasks based on priority, client, or project phase? Custom Fields are your trusty tags. Want to track estimated hours, progress, or even mood (because why not)? Custom Fields have got your back.

Benefits of ClickUp Custom Fields

So, what’s in store for you with ClickUp Custom Fields? Let me enumerate some for you.

  • The Power of Grouping

With Custom Fields, you can group tasks under specific categories, making organization a breeze. Whether you’re working with a growing or bustling team, the ability to categorize tasks with surgical precision saves time, minimizes confusion, and maximizes productivity.

  • Filtering for Focus

Custom Fields also enable you to filter tasks at will. If you need to see all high-priority tasks across projects, or you’re in the mood for a status-based view, the Custom Fields will gladly do it for you.

  • Free and Fabulous

What’s even more incredible with ClickUp Custom Fields is that it is available in the FREE ClickUp plan. That’s right! This ability to wield this organizational magic comes at no extra cost. So, whether you’re just dipping your toes into ClickUp or you’re a seasoned pro, you’ve got the custom field advantage.

So why not elevate your ClickUp game?

ClickUp Custom Fields isn’t just a feature – it’s your secret weapon. It’s the tool that transforms your workspace into a canvas where you call the shots. From categorization to filtering, from grouping to tracking, Custom Fields empower you to rise above the clutter and embrace the order.

As soon as you delve into ClickUp, test out ClickUp Custom Fields and tell me how it goes. Send in your thoughts in the comments!

Q&A: What is your Favorite ClickUp Feature and Why?


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