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I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

What are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Why Are They Important?

A standard operating procedure is a document providing explicit directions for completing a certain task or operating a certain system.

David Oragui

SOP documents have detailed information on how to operate and manage your backend business operations. They should be “living” documents that should be updated frequently with changes in tools, technologies, workflows, processes, team members, etc.

Why Are SOPs Important to Your Business?

Consistency is time, and time is valuable

Consistency & a high-quality client experience go hand in hand! You need consistency in how your business & clients perform as a whole. Knowing what is working, how it works, and how to adjust moving forward are key! Well-defined SOPs support this type of consistency.

When I started working with and becoming an expert in ClickUp, I said “bye” to the lack of consistency in my offers and services. When people work with me, I know what comes next for them, and I don’t waste my time starting from scratch for every single project.

Stop Spending Time Reinventing The Wheel

Creating SOPs that can be applied across your business saves you sooo much time! And you know what time equals. Money baby!

Best way to save time in your SOP management? Templates!

To do that, I had to learn not to confuse “customizing an experience” with a “lack of streamlining and organization.” You can set up some FIRE templates in your workflow AND give each of your clients a compelling experience at the same time.

Within ClickUp, you can literally save repetitive tasks, lists, and workflows in a “Template Center.” With features like this, you KNOW exactly where to start when you set up a new client or team member.

This is why Plug & Play Templates are so freaking powerful for your Standard Operating Procedures!

Process and Procedure Plug & Play

Now is the time to start organizing. In order for you to be successful in supporting your business with your SOPs, you need a functional way to house, access, & link them to tasks & projects.

No need to spend time building a structure in ClickUp when I’ve already got one for you!

The Process and Procedure Plug & Play ClickUp Template includes:

  • ✅ High-level Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) organizational structure
  • ✅ 100 Templated SOPs for Client Operations, Team Operations & Marketing
  • ✅ Templated forms & mind-map workflows
  • ✅ Color-coded & customized fields for identifying & organizing documentation

Why Your Business Needs Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Business Operations

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