Marketing operations

Systems + tech

Business operations

Team operations

Client operations


I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

Don’t get me wrong…I do it too! As tempting as it is to launch off the cusp of the idea and hit the ground running when the first client shows interest, take a second before you get caught up in the overwhelming to-do list, and have your systems work for you.

My personal favorite is ClickUp, obviously!

Within ClickUp, there are so many incredible features, like templates, lists, and automation, that make setting up a new client or new launch easier. You can hold everything in one place and customize it as you see fit!

Seamless systems make onboarding more impactful & a robust client experience less daunting.
& take it from me, you resident ClickUp Queen, using ClickUp and templating your workflow can CHANGE THE GAME for you.


Here are THREE features you can incorporate into your client journey using ClickUp.

(Tip: You can turn these simple tasks into a templated list to use in your “New Clients” folder for when you bring in someone new)

1) Communication With ClickUp

Use the messaging in your Project Management Tool/Dashboard/Communication App/Chat View and reach out to let them know what to expect next.

This is the time to connect with them through the channel you prefer communications to be exchanged moving forward.

Outline when and where you will be available for questions, feedback, and connection

2) ClickUp Clarity

Set up a quick step-by-step tutorial video, or hop on a call and walk through how your dashboard or systems work. Don’t leave them hanging trying to learn an entirely new system on their own. You don’t want them resenting the system you need them to love.

–Dashboards can become your best friends if you will let them–

3) Clear Expectations

Onboarding is not the place for your clients to expect the unexpected.

They continuously have to put out fires in other areas of their life & biz, and the last thing they need from their experience is a confusing onboarding process that leaves them wondering, “what’s next?!” or “Where do I go from here?!”

How to create these clear and collaborative expectations:

  • Overall goal for the timeline requested
  • Break your project into phases
  • Set up timelines for each phase
  • And have direction on where your time and energy need to go from both parties involved.

It’s wild how seamless you can deliver projects to clients when you take the upfront time to lay it all out in your systems!

If you want to see exponential growth by way of streamlined & robust systems in processes beyond just your client’s experience,

The Optimize to Amplify Mastermind brings together experts, like YOU, in their respective industries to learn, share, & grow their business operations together using ClickUp.

Doors close this Friday, and I could not be MORE READY to get started!

A 6-week mastermind for ClickUp users who want to see exponential growth by way of streamlined & robust systems.

Three Non-Negotiable Elements For The Client Onboarding Experience

Three non-negotiables on client onboarding clickup

Client Operations

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