Marketing operations

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Team operations

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I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

Using a project management tool is essential to keep your projects and tasks on track and streamlined. When you have a systemized way of managing projects, you inherently become more productive. In turn, this helps you serve your team and your clients better (which is the whole freaking point, right?!) As a business operations consultant, I often find clients facing the same problem with their project management systems as they get started with the set-up.

What is the most common issue with using a project management tool?

A disconnect between what you want to achieve and how you are going about achieving it.

You jump in headfirst and try to tackle everything in the set-up phase all at once.

It often goes something like, “Let’s streamline our marketing plan, client retention, new employee onboarding, and social media content all at the same time,” instead of prioritizing your needs and starting with the basics. I want to help you change that.

Starting with the basics

Your ultimate goal is to streamline your system. You want as little resistance as possible and a workflow that, well, flows. To achieve this, you need to take it one step at a time and set a solid foundation. The first step I always encourage my clients to take is to learn the vocabulary used by your chosen project management tool.

Learning the Lingo of Your Project Management Tool

Every single platform has its’ own way of communicating its’ features with you. Knowing this vocabulary from the beginning is essential to your long-term success.

You don’t want to be months into your system trying to explain to a new team member how to use the features when you don’t really know what the basic terminology means either.

A common comparison made is ClickUp versus a platform like Asana.

ClickUp uses the terms “Spaces, folders, and lists,” while Asana uses the terms “Teams, Projects, and Tasks” to describe very similar features.

*For the clarity of my content, I will be using terminology used by ClickUp as my example vocabulary. *

Let me break those down just real quick, so we are all on the same page.

“Space” is your core or center of the project management. Examples include Client Onboarding, Marketing Strategy, Your Overall Vision, Finances, etc.

“Folder” is the next level after spaces. For example, in the “Marketing” Space, you may have folders like “Email Marketing” or “Affiliate Marketing.” Folders allow you the opportunity to be more specific on the scope of each project.

“List” is then where you organize your tasks and the specific details of each moving part in the folders.

Examples of why the lingo matters:

Example One: 

You ask a team member to set up a “Space” for a new main project, but they are more familiar with setting up a “Team” in their previous work. 

They are going to have no idea where to start, and the miscommunication will bring resistance. 

Although an easy fix, it will be much easier moving forward if everyone takes the time to learn the vocab upfront.

Example Two: 

Suppose you do not understand that the ClickUp, “Space, folder, and lists” is the leveling system from which projects are managed and tasks are delegated. In that case, you will miss out on clarity and optimization moving forward.

And as I said before, every tool has its version of this terminology or jargon, and you must take the time to learn before you move forward to the set-up process.

Setting Up a Solid Foundation to Avoid the Overwhelm

  • Start with your CORE SPACES (the essential components on which your systems run)
    • The beginning is not the time to go in and add every detail on every project you have. Simply map out your primary areas of focus as your outline.
  • Identify the “Spaces” that are essential.
    • Having an outline is so important because it helps you separate everything to see the foundation of your upcoming or recurring big picture needs. From there, you look at what you have in front of you and ask
      • Which of these needs to be done sooner than later?
      • Which of these am I responsible for managing?
      • Can some of these be delegated or outsourced?
    • Doing this allows you to prioritize what projects are a “need to get set-up now” versus ones that are an “I can work on this later.”
  • Break the “spaces” down into “folders” and “lists,” starting with the most essential “spaces” first.
    • Now is the part where you get to see it all start to come together. It is a piece by piece process that in the long run helps you understand and streamline your project management with confidence and strategy.
  • And remember, if you get overwhelmed and setting up your project management tool isn’t essential to you, consider outsourcing.

The WHOLE POINT of ClickUp, Asana, is to make your day-to-day more efficient and help you know when and where to delegate. 

If you look at your ClickUp dashboard after days of trying and feeling like you are getting nowhere, remember, there are experts like me ready to help you create a system you love!

Let’s get your systems to work FOR you!

ClickUp Buildout Sprint are highly customized project management tool (ClickUp) build-outs.

These builds are individually customized to fit the specific needs of the business and the entire team. A cookie-cutter approach to your unique backend operations doesn’t cut it.

Your team, your clients, and you require a high-level, intricate way to manage the business’s many moving pieces. After a ClickUp Buildout Sprint, your operational systems will run like a well-oiled machine, effortlessly & seamlessly keeping your business, team, and clients on track.

Getting Started with Your New Project Management Tool

Using Clickup to manage your team

Project Management

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