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I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

Using a ClickUp mind mapping and custom field sorting can save you time, energy, & sanity when developing a new service or product.

The mindmap feature is a great way to get all your new ideas out on ‘paper.’ Brain dump all those thoughts swirling in your head about your new program right into a mindmap. This makes it easy to see all the info visually AND turn them into actionable tasks.

Sorting your ideas with Custom Fields allows you to pump out all your ideas but keeps your operations consistent & optimized.

Two ways to use the Mind Mapping Features

Option One: Use the ”blank” option to work through the steps from the beginning.

Here you can outline the array of tasks and steps you will need to work through to bring your plans to reality. As you go, you turn your ideas into actionable steps as tasks that can later be viewed on a table or list.

Option Two: Start with brain dumping tasks into a table/list, then open the mind map view to put all the parts into place and connect them as needed.

Both methods are highly effective and super user-friendly.

As described by ClickUp, the goal of this customizable feature is about planning projects, ideas, services in a way that provides the ultimate visual outline.

Use the custom fields option to sort and manage new service/product ideas.

If you are the type of person who has some of the most brilliant ideas right in the middle of taking action on another idea, then THIS tip is for you!

An example of this could be organizing these ideas by where they are in the planning stage:

1) Ideation

2) Pre-Launch

3) Launch

4) Post Launch

OR organizing them by where they fall into your level of urgency to make them happen:

1) Do this now

2) Maybe next month

3) Come back later

4) “Not to-do list”

Customizing your custom fields allows you to pump out all your ideas but keeps your operations consistent & optimized.

It’s the small things that make the most significant impact. That is why in a ClickUp Buildout Sprint with me, you get more than ClickUp systems.

You get operations expertise, you get solutions to your problems, and you get something customized to your business needs.

ClickUp Buildout Sprint are highly customized project management tool (ClickUp) build-outs.

These builds are individually customized to fit the specific needs of the business and the entire team. A cookie-cutter approach to your unique backend operations doesn’t cut it.

This package includes:

– 90-Minute Strategy Call

– Full Implementation Day (6-7 hours)

– 2-Weeks of Refinement & Support

– 60-Minute Follow-Up Call

– 60-Minute Integration Call

Managing A New Service with ClickUp Mind Mapping and Custom Fields

Business Operations

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