Marketing operations

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I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

ClickUp is all about creativity and productivity. You can customize your Workspaces with a variety of different templates. 

I get asked all the time, “What are the best ClickUp Templates?” or “What is your favorite ClickUp Template?” My answer: the templates built around repeatable tasks in your business, such as client experience, project management, or onboarding.

Must-Have ClickUp Templates

Let’s pretend for a moment that you have a business designing websites.  You probably go through the same processes for building the website. You’ll have three to four phases if it takes four weeks to build. Then there will be individual tasks within each phase. With a ClickUp template, you can wash and repeat this process whenever you bring on a new client.

When you onboard clients, they go through the same steps. You can create tasks for every step of the onboarding process, create a template, and apply it to incoming clients. 

Creating a template

You can browse my  Plug & Play Template Shop for ready-to-use templates installed in your ClickUp in just minutes. 

You can quickly duplicate frequently-used items by creating a template and applying it to your Workspace. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Open the Workspace item you’d like to use as the template.
  2. Click the ellipsis … to open the settings menu.
  3. Select Templates.
  4. Click Save as Template.
  5. From Save as New Template, type a template name to create a new template.
  6. Optional: Add a description, tags, and select sharing options.
  7. Click Save.

Different Template Types

You can save Spaces, Folders, Lists, Tasks, and Docs as templates. We are going to cover just a few.

Space templates effectively give your teams, departments, and large projects a head start!

Spaces can include Folders, Lists, tasks, views, Automations, and more! Save all that into a template so your team can start working together on projects faster. Apply the template each time you start a new project.

Docs and pages can be saved too as templates for frequently used layouts or processes in your Workspace. A Doc template duplicates an entire document and all of its pages. Once created, you can apply it to any new or existing Doc. You can create page templates to use a consistent format for pages within your Docs.

My ClickUp Plug & Play Templates will help you easily manage your business in ClickUp. 

Starting tomorrow, all ClickUp Templates & Guides in my shop are 50% off! Use the code BLACKFRIDAY22 at checkout.

The Best ClickUp Templates

ClickUp Set Up

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