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Hi, I'm Jena

Did you know you can use ClickUp to track your goals?  It’s a great way to stay on track to meet your goals with clear timelines, measurable targets, and automatic progress tracking with ClickUp Goals. 

ClickUp Goals are high-level objectives that are made up of smaller, measurable Targets. When you complete all of the Targets, then you’ve finished your Goal.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to use ClickUp to track goals.

Tracking Monetary Goals

You can set monetary Targets for your Goals to track things such as sales and revenue targets. Update your progress towards the target to track your results.

Creating a Goal

In the left sidebar, go to the Goals page. If you don’t see Goals, you should click Show more to expand the sidebar.

Click + New Goal, then complete the Goal details.

Create Targets to break down your Goal into smaller, measurable items. There are four Target types:

  • Number: Create a range of numbers and track increases or decreases between them.
  • True/False: Use a Done/Not Done checkbox to mark your Target complete.
  • Currency: Set a monetary Goal and track any increases or decreases.
  • Task: Track the completion of a single task or an entire List.

You can also connect your Goals to actionable tasks. For example, you can track how many leads you converted into paying customers. Once you have managed this lead through the pipeline and they have “closed,” you can use that information to inform the goals we have created inside of ClickUp.

Tracking Team Goals

Team Goals will help improve your team’s productivity and hit their Targets. When you have well-defined team goals, you will never miss a deadline.

If you are working on a project, you can track the progress with Goals.

How to:

Set up a Goal.

Use the Task Target type, and create one Target for each project phase.

Add the associated list. The Target for Phase 1 would have a list of Phase 1 tasks. 

Assign each Target to the person managing the project.

As these tasks are completed, your project Targets will update automatically. You will get a percentage completion chart to see your progress.

Tracking Client Goals

If you are working with clients and helping them achieve their goals, you will need a way to report those to them. Setting up a Goals widget on their client Dashboard is the perfect way to show your clients their goal progression.

Create a Goals Widget 

  1. Click the Dashboards icon in your sidebar and find the Dashboard you want to work with.
  2. Click + Add widget.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Priorities.
  4. Select the Goals widget.
  5. Choose your preferences:
    • Name your widget.
    • Select the Goals or Goal Folders you want to include.
    • Choose what to Sort by: Name, Last Updated, Due date, Start date, or Progress.
    • Select which People to display.
    • Show or hide Completed items.
    • Show or hide Archived items.
  6. Click Add widget to add it to your Dashboard.
  7. You’ll be able to see your Goal’s progress percentage, total number of Targets, Goal owner, and when the last update was made.

Using ClickUp to track your goals is easy! When you track your progress in ClickUp, it makes monitoring and achieving your goals more attainable.  There are only ten days left in 2022. Have you checked on your goals?

Is your goal to amplify your revenue in 2023? Do you want to learn how to offer Clickup as a service? Join me for a two-day workshop that will teach you how to develop your own ClickUp service offerings and increase your profits.

Using ClickUp to Track Your Goals in the New Year

ClickUp Set Up

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