Marketing operations

Systems + tech

Business operations

Team operations

Client operations


I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

Who’s ready for a weekly round up? It’s recap time! From Monday to Sunday, let’s take a peek into my week as a ClickUp consultant. I’ve tallied all the highlights and milestones from this week – dive in with me. I’m here to showcase the ripple effect, the impact I’ve created with and for my clients, and what you can achieve too.

Connecting for Success

Alright, it’s numbers time. In the world of ClickUp, Strategy, and Consultation sessions are where the magic begins. This week, I had four connection calls. These calls weren’t just chit-chats; they were valuable sessions that helped my clients chart a path towards success. And guess what? Five close deals came out of those four calls – a perfect score of five out of five! It’s incredible how effective communication and strategy can lead to tangible results.

Building the Foundation

ClickUp is all about streamlining tasks and projects. To achieve that, I worked on click a build outs and implementation plans. I nailed one of each this week. These plans are the blueprints for businesses to thrive in a structured and organized manner.

Dedication to Clients

This week, I dedicated a whopping 11 hours to my clients. It’s all about being there for them, understanding their needs, and tailoring ClickUp solutions to make their lives easier. Each of those 11 client hours was pure gold – filled with problem-solving, brainstorming, and planning to enhance their productivity.

The Power of Self-Improvement

Internal business ups are crucial too. I spent four hours refining my magic – learning new features, mastering techniques, and staying up to date with ClickUp’s latest updates. These hours aren’t just for me; they ultimately benefit my clients, as I bring more knowledge and expertise to the table.

A Productive Week

In total, I clocked in 25 productive hours this week. It’s been quite the journey, filled with exciting challenges and satisfying victories. I’ve helped businesses strategize, implement, and improve their processes, making their work more efficient and enjoyable.

Ready for More

And you know what? I am all charged up to ride this roller coaster again. The thrill of helping businesses succeed with ClickUp never gets old. The satisfaction of seeing my clients’ businesses thrive is my driving force.

Join the Journey

If you want to tag along on my journey as a verified plus ClickUp consultant, hit that follow button. Together, we can explore the world of productivity, efficiency, and the endless possibilities ClickUp has to offer.

In conclusion, my week as a ClickUp consultant has been packed with achievements, connections, and a commitment to making businesses better. If you’re ready to make a positive change in your own business or curious about the power of ClickUp, stay tuned. There’s a lot more to come, and I’m excited to share it with you!

A Week in the Life of a Verified+ ClickUp Consultant: ROUNDUP


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