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I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

There are so many amazing features within ClickUp.  The Sidebar is the mission control center for navigating your Workspace. It’s where you can customize your layout, archive folders, and so much more.  

We’ll also be covering the List Settings in ClickUp. Within those settings, you’ll be able to Pin a particular view, apply a template, and even share the list.

Sidebar Settings

First, click on the Settings icon to the right of the Spaces label. This is where the Sidebar Settings are located. 

The first option is the layout and style or how your workspace looks.  

When you click Layout Size & Style, you’ll see a few different ways to style your ClickUp. Play with options and pick which one works best for you. It will change the size and placement of spaces, icons, and your Favorites List.  

Archive Feature

Within ClickUp, you can archive tasks, lists, folders, and spaces. 

When you archive a feature, it removes it from view but doesn’t delete it.  When you delete it, it stays in your Deleted Folder for 30 days, and then it’s gone.  I try not to delete anything because I may need it in the future. I prefer to archive. 

When you archive within ClickUp, an archive icon will appear next to the space, folder, 

or list. That will make the space, folder, list, or task active again. You can unarchive by clicking on the arrow pointing left next to the folder or list. 

You can hide all of your archived lists by adjusting the settings in the Sidebar Settings menu. 

Other SideBar Settings

There are a few other Sidebar Settings that may be useful.

  • Close all folders: this closes all the folders, so they aren’t expanded in the Spaces view. 
  • Dark sidebar: this makes your dark sidebar theme

We won’t be covering all the settings within ClickUp, but know that there are settings wherever you look!  One of the great benefits of ClickUp is that it’s versatile and can be set up to function how you want it to. 

List Settings

Within a list, there are many different settings.

  • Rename the list: Click the pencil icon.
  • Share the link to a particular list: Click on the link icon. This is an internal link.  The link won’t work if someone doesn’t have access to your workspace. 
  • Pin View: keep this view pinned to the front of the other views. This determines the order you want to see the tabs in. 
  • Add to favorites:  This enables the item to be easily accessed from the Favorites bar.
  • Duplicate: This allows you to duplicate the list in any format you wish.
  • Sharing & Permissions: This allows you to create a public link to share with people outside your workspace.
    • Within the Sharing and Permissions, you can Protect or Lock the view.  This means that no one can change the view you have established. 
    • Private View means that it’s only visible to you.  So if you were to create a view inside this list so that it was filtered only to show your tasks or certain filters, then you could make it private, and no one else could see what you filtered. 
    • You can also share the list. This allows you to bring members and guests to your list and whatever access level you designate. 

Within the sharing and permissions, you can distinguish the level of access that someone will have to your workspace. 

  • Member Access: Access your entire workspace, except for things you have marked privately.  You’ll pay for a user within your subscription. 
  • Guest Access: Access to a specific folder or list. 

Template Center

Templates are an amazing feature of ClickUp. They allow you to work smarter, not harder, because you don’t have to keep reinventing the wheel for every single project, task, etc. 

Within the Template Center, you can use a template that has already been created within ClickUp, save a new template, or update an existing template. 

More Settings

Please note that not all of these additional settings are not available on the Free or Unlimited Version.  Some of them are only with the Business Plan. 

A few of the settings I use most often: 

  • Default View for everyone is one of the most beneficial features.  It allows the view you created to be the default for anyone that views that list. 
  • Me Mode shows only the tasks that are assigned to you. 

Take some time to review your settings and ensure they are set up for maximum efficiency within ClickUp. 

If you want more support in setting up ClickUp, check out Level Up with ClickUp.  We dive deep into developing YOUR ClickUp to manage your business and processes like:

  • Creating SOP databases
  • Managing a team
  • Managing client projects
  • Client relationships
  • Marketing
  • So much more!

At the end of the program, you’ll have a foundational built-out workspace inside your ClickUp.  It also includes Live Q&A, so you can get all your questions answered as you build your spaces. 

Ready to Level Up your ClickUp?

ClickUp 101- Side Bar & List Settings

ClickUp Set Up

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