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Hi, I'm Jena

ClickUp has a few fantastic features that allow you to stay ahead of your day by organizing your daily work, reminders, notifications, and calendars in one place. 

Don’t miss out on the other posts in this ClickUp 101 series! 

The ClickUp Home Page

When starting your workday inside ClickUp, the best place to start is the Home Page. This page will gauge what needs to be accomplished today and Mentions within tasks. 

There are several things that you’ll see on this page:

  1. LineUp

LineUp is used to prioritize your tasks for you or someone else. There can be three tasks in the LineUp at any given time.

One of my favorite ways to use this feature is at the end of the day.  I go through my tasks that didn’t get finished and put them in the lineup for the next day. 

To add a task to your LineUp, either drag and drop the task to the LineUp, Click on the + Sign, or follow the steps below. 

To add it to someone else’s LineUp, follow these tasks:

  1. Open the task card
  2. Click on the 3 dots in the top middle of the card (Task Settings)
  3. Click ‘Add to’ 
  4. Click ‘Add to LineUp’
  5. Select the team member’s LineUp to add the task to

To remove a task from the LineUp, click on the X to the right of the task card.

  1. Trending

These are the tasks that have been worked on recently, that multiple people are working inside at the same time, or have been clicked into often. 

  1. My Work

These are the task assigned to you.  It’s broken out by Today, Overdue, Next (Coming Up), and Unscheduled. 

You can click into the task card directly from this screen.  It’s easy to get quick access to what you need to work on for the day or anything you need to follow up on. 

The My  Work feature is most useful when you are consistent with adding assignees and due dates to tasks. Without an assignee or due date, your team may not be able to decipher who is doing what and when. Staying consistent helps you and your team utilize this ClickUp feature.

  1. Calendar

The calendar section shows your tasks due on a particular day.  You can also sync it with Google, Outlook, etc., to see what meetings you have planned for the day so that you can plan accordingly.

There are two views: Calendar and Agenda. The view can be changed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  1. Mentions

Mentions give a quick snapshot of the tasks that you have been mentioned.  When you start your workday, it’s simple to see what comments your team tagged you in within each task card.  You can respond to comments from this dropdown as well. 

If you add a comment but don’t tag someone, the comment will not appear in the mentions dropdown. 

These are found in the upper right corner of the screen. 

Notifications Center

Notifications are a critical part of any project management tool and should be customized to your liking. 

The notifications center is a list of all the notifications that are happening throughout your entire workspace.  

Some types of notifications you may receive:

  • ClickBot automation
  • Task status changed
  • Mentions
  • Task Creation
  • Overdue Tasks (you can reschedule them right from this screen)

You can view all the tasks within a workspace or just the ones assigned to you. 

Under settings, you have the option to adjust what types of notifications you get and where (in-app, email, mobile, or browser)

Do you have more questions about ClickUp?  I can help! I’m a Certified ClickUp Consultant.  I help business owners optimize, streamline, and scale their business operations using ClickUp.  Let’s connect!

ClickUp 101- The Home Page & Notifications Center

ClickUp Set Up

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