Lessons about all things ClickUp and building & scaling your business operations sustainably.

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Marketing operations

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Client operations


I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

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Don’t get me wrong…I do it too! As tempting as it is to launch off the cusp of the idea and hit the ground running when the first client shows interest, take a second before you get caught up in the overwhelming to-do list, and have your systems work for you. My personal favorite is […]

Three non-negotiables on client onboarding clickup
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What are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Why Are They Important? A standard operating procedure is a document providing explicit directions for completing a certain task or operating a certain system. David Oragui SOP documents have detailed information on how to operate and manage your backend business operations. They should be “living” documents that should […]

What is offboarding?!
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Managing your projects can feel a lot like relationships. When you start a relationship what are some of the first things going through your head: What are we?  Is this serious? Is this a short-term or long-term type of relationship? How much energy and effort do I want to put into this? This same thought […]

how to onboard team members
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Why Using ClickUp To Manage Your Team Is Important You are in the midst of a project, feeling like all the pieces are there, the project itself is managed, but then you look up, and there is a whole team staring at you through the screen waiting for their tasks, waiting for instructions. OR you […]

Using Clickup to manage your team

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