Lessons about all things ClickUp and building & scaling your business operations sustainably.

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Marketing operations

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Client operations


I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

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Growing your team and getting them onboarded with your systems are two different challenges. What is onboarding?! Okay, so I could give you the textbook definition, but instead, I want you to think about the last time you brought someone into your business, client, or team member. Take yourself back: You are onboarding a new […]

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Why Using ClickUp To Manage Your Team Is Important You are in the midst of a project, feeling like all the pieces are there, the project itself is managed, but then you look up, and there is a whole team staring at you through the screen waiting for their tasks, waiting for instructions. OR you […]

Using Clickup to manage your team
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Why using communicating with your team is crucial Communicating with your team creates efficiency, trust, and authority with the purpose of being able to deliver on your vision and promises to your clients. To do this your team must: Know when you are available for feedback Understand the tasks at hand Have a clear understanding […]

Jena Paulo sitting at computer
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What is onboarding?! Okay, so I could give you the textbook definition, but instead, I want you to think about the last time you brought someone into your business, client, or team member. Take yourself back: You are onboarding a new team member because you decided to level the heck up. Hell yes. You have […]

how to onboard team members

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