Lessons about all things ClickUp and building & scaling your business operations sustainably.

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Marketing operations

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Client operations


I help service-based professionals and creative agencies build scalable backend operations that support growth and sustainability in business using ClickUp as the operational base.

Hi, I'm Jena

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ClickUp is all about creativity and productivity. You can customize your Workspaces with a variety of different templates.  I get asked all the time, “What are the best ClickUp Templates?” or “What is your favorite ClickUp Template?” My answer: the templates built around repeatable tasks in your business, such as client experience, project management, or […]

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Explore the differences between members and guests in ClickUp, how to assign the appropriate user roles and what to do if you have different businesses.

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Learn how Jena Paulo helped one business turn its vision into a reality using the power of the ultimate productivity tool . . . ClickUp.

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No one likes long meetings.  Most people loathe them.  Your team’s time is valuable, and so is yours.  Let’s talk about how you can use a ClickUp Dashboard to organize and manage your team, eliminate the need for lengthy meetings, and still get insane value out of the time spent. Here are the widgets we […]

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